Dr. Joe R. Fowler selected as a 2022 Distinguished Alumni of Texas A&M University recipient

College Station, TX (August 5. 2022) – Twelve Aggies have been selected as the 2022 recipients of the highest honor bestowed upon a former student of Texas A&M University, the Distinguished Alumnus Award. Dr. Joe R. Fowler ’68, co-founder and past president of Stress Engineering Services, Inc., is among Texas A&M’s 2022 Distinguished Alumni. Texas A&M University and The Association of Former Students are proud to welcome as Distinguished Alumni:
- Travis L. Smith, Jr., Class of 1898 – Houston, TX
- Gen. Joseph W. Ashy ’62 – College Station, TX
- Thomas W. Powell ’62 – Giddings, TX
- Dr. Joe R. Fowler ’68 – Houston, TX
- William Mahomes, Jr., ’69 – Dallas, TX
- Mark A. Fischer ’72 – Oklahoma City, OK
- Clifton L. Thomas, Jr. ’72 – Victoria, TX
- Mark W. Albers ’79 – The Woodlands, TX
- Gregory Cokinos ’79 – Houston, TX
- Bill Jones ’81 – Austin, TX
- Dr. Jimmy Williams, Jr. ’83 – Wexford, PA
- Elaine Mendoza ’87 – San Antonio, TX
Since the inception of the award in 1962, only 318 of Texas A&M’s over 555,000 former students have been recognized with the Distinguished Alumnus Award. Awarded jointly by Texas A&M and The Association of Former Students, this honor recognizes those Aggies who have achieved excellence in their chosen professions and made meaningful contributions to Texas A&M University and their local communities.
“We are deeply grateful that our former students give so much as leaders in their professions and communities, while also giving so much back to Texas A&M to encourage and empower those who follow them,” said Texas A&M President M. Katherine Banks.
Dara Hegar ’95, The Association of Former Students’ 2022 Chair of the Board, said, “Our 2022 Distinguished Alumni highlight the remarkable impact Aggies make on their communities and on the world. The way they have lived their lives reflects honor and distinction upon the worldwide Aggie Network and leaves an outstanding legacy to which all Aggies can aspire.”
Association President and CEO Porter S. Garner III ’79 echoed the sentiments of Banks and Hegar, and he offered his congratulations on behalf of The Association of Former Students.
“Fewer than one-tenth of one percent of Texas A&M’s 565,000 former students have been recognized with the Distinguished Alumnus Award. The 2022 Distinguished Alumni belong in that exceptional group of Aggies because they exemplify excellence, integrity, leadership, loyalty, respect and selfless service. They inspire us all by their example.”
The Association of Former Students will further honor all recipients of this award during its annual Distinguished Alumni Gala on Sept. 16. In addition, the recipients will be recognized during the Sept. 17 Texas A&M football game against Miami.
Nominations for the 2023 Distinguished Alumnus Award will be accepted through Aug. 31, 2022, at tx.ag/DAnominations.
About Dr. Joe R. Fowler ’68
Dr. Fowler’s passion for engineering has revealed itself in his clear academic and professional excellence and his service to those Aggie engineers who follow. While earning numerous professional accolades, Fowler has also been present on campus as a guest lecturer, class project judge and trusted advisor.
About Texas A & M University Association of Former Students
The Association of Former Students, established in 1879, is the official alumni organization of Texas A&M University. The Association connects hundreds of thousands of members of the worldwide Aggie Network with each other and the university, and provided $13.6 million in impact to university scholarships, awards, traditions and student activities and recognition for students, faculty, staff and former students in 2021. For more information about the Distinguished Alumnus Award or The Association, contact Scot Walker ’90 at SWalker90@AggieNetwork.com or visit www.AggieNetwork.com.